tisdag 31 augusti 2010

A pleasant surprise

After a satisfying meal consisting of oven-made chicken i decided to try out Nils Oscar's Rökporter which i got yesterday.

The Rökporter was the bronze winner in the 2008 World Beer Cup category Smoke Flavored Beers!

The cap caught my attention.. pretty slick.

And what a crown! Smell-wise I'm getting a lot of smoky vibes - it actually smells like smoked bacon! And bacon's always good, right?

Tastewise it's a killer, as per usual when dealing with porters I'm getting dark chocolate and tar-y associations - although the coffee tones are subtle if nonexistant.
I'm no expert but what I can say is the taste combined with the smoky scent makes for a killer porter - highly recommended!

Stay dark, over and out.

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